Write a simple description referring to items you would like to purchase from CottonCouture.
Provide your details: Name:
Contact No:
That's all.... :)
Payment Method
Payment can be done via Maybank account. Details of account will be given to you when the order is confirmed.
Installment is allowed!!! *wink*. See details below.
Kindly indicate your payment option.
Option 1:Reservation / Booking 1. 30% from the total amount has to be paid into my account.
*kindly inform CottonCouture (by email)
2. Once full payment has been paid, please email your Payment Receipt to kaincotton@gmail.com together with your delivery address.
3. Please take note that, booking is only allowed within 24hours. If there is no deposit (as stated in No. 1), I shall open the offer to other potential buyer.
Option 2:Installment 1. 1 piece of cotton - CottonCouture allows 2times installment plan
2. 2 piece and above - CottonCouture allows up to 3times installment plan.
3. Payment must be made either end OR early of the month. Failure will result to your deposit will be refunded and I shall open the offer to other potential buyer.
Kindly take note that, your cotton will be shipped once the full settlement is done.